In this captivating series of fantasy novels, a group of young friends find themselves unexpectedly confronted with the mysterious and disturbing properties of an ancient artefact: a small book with a scarlet cover and pages filled with intricate and indecipherable designs. And, curiously, very well preserved.
Perhaps too well preserved.
Little do they know that it is in fact a strange and mysterious 13th-century grimoire, containing an incredible power. By the time they realise what is happening to them, and how much it has already affected them, it will be too late.
When the power of the Grimoire is unleashed, the lives of these unfortunate young people will literally be turned upside down, as they will be forced to face nightmarish, increasingly dangerous situations at the limits of reason, in a crescendo of tension that will test their friendship, their physical and mental integrity, and even their very lives. All this while dark presences plot to invade and disrupt the very fabric of reality.
Hesitation is no longer an option: the stakes have become incredibly high and the slightest mistake could have incalculable and, above all, unimaginable consequences. With time running out, they must act before it is too late, making decisions on which the future of existence itself depends. But there is a price to pay, and for them it may prove to be extraordinarily high.