The characters

Mark Schubert

PhD student at the Chair of Languages ​​and Cultural Studies at the Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt, always fond of North European myths and folklore.

Viktor Meier

Healthcare assistant specialized at the University Clinic’s Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Polyclinic of the city of Bonn, has always dedicated his activity to his neighbors, but without disdaining his personal well-being.

Klaudia Frieda Wolf

Passionate about literature and oriental languages, she also has a great passion for children. She's Mark's girlfriend.

Fujita Atsuko

Chief engineer of a major Yokohama microelectronics company, and great friend of Klaudia.

Nichimori Koichi

Officially the boyfriend of Atsuko, he actually behaves in a rather mysterious way. Who really is he, and what does he do in life?

Kaspar Schubert

Chief Inspector of the Frankfurt Police, he is Mark's uncle and Viktor's adoptive father. Very intelligent, once he finds the trace of a crime, he doesn’t give up anymore.


Behind the façade of a respectable import / export company, the F.I.C., hides a terrible criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking, headed by the ruthless boss, the senior samurai Sakamoto Akihiro.

Konrad Lang

An old man with a lively and intelligent air, he guards a terrible secret that will forever upset the lives of our friends.

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