An amazing and exciting, fantasy saga

“K-Team” is a fantasy saga made up of a series of novels, all linked together by a single common thread: the properties of an ancient artifact, an object of incredible power which will upset the quiet lives of a group of friends, leading them to face paradoxical situations, on the verge of irrationality. And their lives will no longer be the same from now on.




Grimm's World - Book 1


The first novel in the saga. A thirteenth-century Grimoire, an ancient artifact containing immense power, is about to shatter the peaceful existence of a group of friends, while fierce criminal gangs, oblivious to the chaos around them, ruthlessly battle for control of the territory. Surely nothing will ever be the same again!



The Light of a Thousand Suns - Book 2


As the friends of K-Team once again grapple with the mysterious medieval artefact that has caused them so many problems in so short a time, they will find themselves up against obscure supernatural forces that threaten to destroy nothing less than the very fabric of 'reality' as we know it.




Pandora's Box - Book 3


The showdown with the evil entities that wish to subvert the natural order of Creation reaches its climax. There is no turning back now, the stakes are very high and even a victory could be paid for dearly.



Wolf Hunt - Book 4


It's time for K-Team to go after Klaudia and try to convince her to change her mind and come back to the land of the living. They want to reunite her with her earthly affections. Unfortunately, the world she's chosen to shut herself away in is not only full of dangers, but also populated by a warlike race with sinister goals. Getting Klaudia to safety will be tough for K-Team.

Nor will it be painless.

The Black Aconite - Book 5


A formidable adversary emerges from the mists of the past in search of ruthless revenge against the members of the K-Team and will stop at nothing to reach its sinister goal. They will need not only the shapeshifting ability of Klaudia Frieda Wolf but also the tremendous fairy power possessed by her dearest friend, the Japanese Fujita Atsuko.
A terrifying encounter looms on the horizon, and the K-Team friends will face a series of unspeakable horrors to thwart the revenge of their malevolent enemy, whilst their very existence will be called into question in a whirlwind of dramatic events where failure is unthinkable. But even if they succeed, the price to pay could still be very high.
When all this is over, will there still be a K-Team?

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